Our instructors' primary responsibility is to build your child's confidence and teach them valuable skills for life. The benefits your children will gain, as well as the habits they will form during their martial arts training include: confidence, focus, listening skills, exercising mind and body, goal setting, and the discipline to achieve those goals. You will see these characteristics will permeate into all areas of their lives.
We hope that you find our staff to be kind and helpful, and that you feel that we are providing you with the best service possible. Master Joshua Hong and I, as the owners of EMA, continually strive to make sure that we bring you the best overall experience. We train in different martial arts (Taekwondo, Krav Maga, Kali, and Muay Thai) with the best in the country in order to bring you the right mix of traditional martial arts skills and the latest and most beneficial training available. We are a dynamic school that loves to bring fresh ideas that will help raise the quality not only of your child’s training but your customer service experience as well.
As a parent of two boys, I have witnessed first hand the benefits of the EMA program. My older son Alexander was 7 years old when I found Eternal Martial Arts. After months of verbal and physical bullying, it came to the point when my son no longer looked forward to going to elementary school. The fear of facing his peers prevented him from focusing on learning and started to affect his academics and his self-confidence too. Naturally, I was very concerned and thought that talking to the school’s teachers, parents, and principal would help. However, they couldn’t monitor or stop every word and action that went undetected in the classrooms and on the playground.
After many hours spent in the principal's office trying to change the system, I decided to focus my energy on finding my son a good martial arts school where he would gain the confidence and skills to protect himself. My search stopped after I observed the interaction of my son with the EMA instructors and Master Hong in particular. Little did I know that joining a martial arts school would actually change his life. He's a teenager now, a BLACK BELT, responsible, studious and known among his friends as a funny, cool, and confident guy. It was a total transformation that required teamwork between the instructors, Mr. Hong, and us. It’s truly had a wonderful and lasting effect on all of our lives.